Do you face issues with your electrical devices? Is the fluctuating electricity hampering your productivity?
You can install a voltage relay to overcome such issues. The relays are one of the most commonly used articles in machinery to monitor the motors and pumps. These monitor the current flow and voltage in the motor.Â
This article is dedicated to voltage Monitoring relay and we are discussing its other elements too!
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What is Voltage Monitoring Relay?
The relay can change the amount of current in the electric circuits. It is made to display the voltage when it goes above the maximum voltage setting. There are some parameters that are pre-decided like temperature, current, and voltage.Â
This relay is used in applications that are motor-driven and need continuous monitoring of voltage is needed to avoid excessive heating. This also manages and trips the circuit in case of a fault in operation conditions.Â
The voltage relays have another benefit as these can also detect other voltage-related concerns like phase loss, phase sequence, and phase imbalance.
What are Various Conditions of Phase Fault Failure?
There is more to the relays than just monitoring and controlling the voltage. These can manage more things like:
Phase Loss
This situation happens when the current in one or more phases is not present anymore. The phase loss can result from the motor stopping working. During the phase loss if the motor is not stopped then it will cause the current to surge multi folds which causes a massive imbalance in the operation. The surge of current results in excessive overheating and the motor is damaged due to this.Â
Under Voltage
This happens when the current voltage is too low than the set limit. The undercurrent is also not good for the motor as it puts a quite large load and the motor has pressure on it. the continuous under-voltage also causes damage to the motor in long run.Â
Over Voltage
It is the exact opposite of the under-voltage, here the current is higher than the pre-set limit. Overvoltage also causes damage to the motor and the damage is done immediately as the motor can blow up and the circuit or wiring can be blown up.Â
Phase Sequence
Phase sequence refers to the connection of all three phases in the correct form. The incorrect phase sequence turns the motor on but in reverse action and this also damages them.Â
Phase Asymmetry
This refers to the balanced distribution of current among all three phases.Â
Neutral Loss
The overvoltage is doubled up in this case, the neutral loss creates downstream and damages the motors connected with phase one and neutral phase.Â
There is a voltage-current that is divided into three phases, single-phase, double-phase, and three-phase. The 3 phase voltage relay is the most common use.
What is the Working Principle of 3 Phase Voltage Monitoring Relay?
The 3 phase monitoring relay can identify the automatic phase and its classification. It is done to safeguard the motor and its interchanges.Â
When the power source change i.e., from a single phase to a 3 phase voltage monitoring relay the phase classification also changes its layout. It has one auxiliary and one open contact which links the control loop that is done via the control code or the wiring layout. This comes in handy during the phase loss or wrong phase sequence.Â
It delivers reliable and constant monitoring which is cost-effective and also prevents damage to the motor and machines.Â
The Benefits of Voltage Monitoring Relay
- It monitors the overvoltage and under voltage with only one voltage monitoring relay.
- It also detects the failure of phase and phase loss.
- The phase imbalance can also be determined with the same relay.
How Can the Voltage Monitoring Relay Improve the Process?
The voltage relay can improve productivity and manage the motor and machines very effectively. The relay is a solid-state protective relay that easily manages single and 3 phase voltage relay. It reacts to the current voltage if it deviates from the pre-set values for minimum and maximum voltage.Â
Which is the Best Voltage Monitoring Relay?
There are a few points that can help you to determine if it is the best and will work fine. There are various companies making such relays and one of them is the GIC voltage relay it has features that are not found in other makes. For example, it is adjustable on the time delay which provides ease of handling during sudden and very short fluctuations.Â
The GIC voltage relay is customizable and you can change the time delay as per your requirement. It enables reliability and accuracy during monitoring.Â
How to Get the Best Performance?
You can get the most out of your relay when paying attention and using some tricks which work with them. You first determine if you have a single-phase or a three-phase supply at the worksite. Then you can find out how many output relays are required in your application.Â
Then comes the main part, make sure that you know what function is needed most, for example, do you want to manage over voltage or under voltage similarly if there is a need for phase loss or are there any chances of neutral loss. Knowing such requirements will help you get the most from your voltage relay.Â
The GIC voltage monitoring relay comes with various features one can need in a motor application. The pumps and motors are under a lot of pressure and working continuously can increase the temperature. Also if the current fluctuates and there is high voltage in the wiring or circuits of the motor it will damage the entire circuit.Â
The machinery in industrial applications is not easy to replace also with voltage relays you can monitor them regularly enabling the need for consistent upkeep and maintenance can be scheduled even after some intervals which will not affect the motors.Â