 V0DDTS is an ELIRO Digital Timer with 0.1 seconds to 999 hours delay. Supports ON-delay (A), cyclic OFF/ON {OFF start, (sym, asym)} (B), cyclic ON/OFF {ON start, (sym, asym)} (C), signal ON/OFF (D), signal OFF-delay (E), interval (F), signal OFF/ON (G), one-shot output (H).
Features :-
- Compact 17.5 mm Wide
- Multi-Function: (8 or 18) Non-Signal & Signal based functions
- Multi-Voltage: 24 – 240 VAC/DC
- Wide Timing Range: 0.1s to 999 Hr
- 3 Digit LCD for Preset time and Run time
- Option to select Up/Down counting
- Tamper proof with key lock feature
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