Authorized Electronic Components Distributor
Consumer electronics is referred to as the products used for a common purpose by people. These are purchased by the consumers for household use and consumption. Consumer Electronics are produced and manufactured to be used for everyday uses in domestic settings and this can be any device or gadget seen on the store shelf. The common consumer goods are refrigerators, cooking appliances, air conditioners and heaters, vacuum cleaners, and many others. televisions, stereos, DVD players, light and sound systems are also known as the most used electronic devices by people. Consumer Electronics is the only industry where innovation is upgrading rapidly. It needs to adapt to the ever-changing customer demands and needs.
These devices have made our lives very easy. We can have automated coffee machines that make coffee at a preset time without any human interference and we can use the time to get ready for the day. This is the technological innovation that has progressed a lot.
We are working towards making consumer electronics safe and more compact. We are supporting the sector with electronic technological advancements. We are offering cutting-edge technology-based products for the modern consumer in a resourceful manner. We are working to provide the best value for their money.Â
We have partnered to be authorized distributors of such international brands so we can bring international quality and product safety for everyone. We have better sourcing, distribution, and inventory management strategies so that we can support our clients and consumer demand in a manner like never before. It is a time-sensitive industry that is running very fast and creating more sophisticated devices with every passing day. We are supporting this industry with new innovations and technology.Â
For the consumer electronics industry, we have various products, these products come in a variety of specifications for dedicated purposes. Our consumer electronics parts come from various authorized distributor partners such as 3M, Eaton, Panasonic, Omron, ICIL, and many other international brands.
From 3M, we have an extensive range of bumpons, these differ in shape and size also the type of material they come in. These serve the specific purpose of providing safety.
Then we have various different thermally conductive adhesives and thermally conductive tapes for bonding purposes. These products provide an excellent bonding that keeps the performance good and provides an elongated lifecycle.
Then comes the coatings, these are also used for safety and maintenance. Coatings also provide a safe outer layer for the fragile and sensitive parts. These provide a barrier against dust, moisture, and shock to keep them safe and longer working life.
Coolants and other thermal management materials and solutions that are important in consumer electronics, excessive heating can reduce the performance and life cycle of this equipment. Excessive heat can be hazardous for people as well. Here come our thermal management and solutions-related products from 3M. This helps in distributed heat dissipation and other cooling services.
Another segment is relays, we have relays from Omron and Panasonic. Relays are used for the on/off feature and it works automatically. We know that new and current technology-based electronics are safe for use and they disconnect power in case of a surge that provides extra safety to both the humans and devices as well.
For the same purpose we use Circuit Protection solutions and devices from Eaton. These are very common in every house and they automatically trip and disconnect power in case of a power surge. These come in various specifications to be used for different purposes.
Then we have a wide range of sensors from Panasonic and other brands. We have sensors such as PM2.5 used in AC units, and thermal sensors used in ACs, and automated lightings and security alarms. There are many other sensors also like PIR motion sensors, vibration sensors, etc.
We have different types of Connectors from ICIL, these connectors can be used in EVs and other electronics too.
The biggest application or challenge for consumer electronics can be the compact size. There are various companies working toward achieving smaller and more compact designs for devices. Our computers, laptops, TVs, and wearables have become smaller with increased efficiency and accurate readings. Similarly, washing machine companies are making it silent and noiseless with lesser vibration during its operation.
For automated and centralized lighting fixtures, sensors are being used so that they can detect the presence of humans and turn on and off automatically. This helps in reducing power consumption and saving money-saving. Apart from this, there is new innovation happening for increasing the overall performance and sustainability.
There is an increased demand for energy-efficient products and sensors and automation is the answer for that. Also now people are opting for such products and companies that provide a better alternative for environment-friendly products. These help in reducing the e-waste and leave a smaller carbon footprint.
We, E Control Devices, are serving companies with smart and customized solutions. We provide products of international quality so that the end-users can experience an out-of-the-world product with features that serve their needs.
We have the best technical support service for our clients so that they never face issues that can affect their production time and cost. We provide the best value for their money customized solutions and products. We look into the issues they face and try to find better solutions by connecting other people with more experience holding teams from our partners.